Declaration of Interest
Conflicts of interest include any situations or relationships that might not be obvious but could potentially affect the impartiality of authors, reviewers, or editors. Authors must disclose any personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial relationships that might unduly impact (bias) their work.
No Conflicts to Declare: If there are no conflicts of interest, authors should state: "Declarations of interest: none." This statement will be published with the article if accepted.
Conflicts to Declare: If conflicts exist, authors should submit a separate declaration of interest form with detailed information. This form will be retained as part of the journal's records.
Authors must confirm that all listed authors have significantly contributed to the research and/or article preparation and have approved the final version of the paper.
They must also affirm that the work in the manuscript is original, not previously published (except as an abstract or in a thesis), and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Authors should also ensure all co-authors and relevant authorities at the research institution approve of the manuscript's publication. If accepted, the work should not be republished in the same form, in English or any other language, without the copyright holder's written consent.
Changes to Authorship
Authors should ensure that the list and order of authors are finalized before submitting the manuscript. Changes to the authorship list (addition, removal, or reordering of authors) are permitted only before acceptance and require approval by the journal Editor.
If a change is needed, the corresponding author must submit:
A document explaining the reason for the change and a written confirmation (email or letter) from all authors, agreeing to the proposed change. If adding or removing an author, this confirmation must include the author being added or removed.
After manuscript acceptance, any requests for changes are only considered in exceptional cases and will be subject to Editor approval. If a change is approved post-publication, a correction note (corrigendum) will be issued.