Our Editorial Process
- Author Registration
The author creates an account with the journal's submission system.
- Manuscript Submission
The author submits their manuscript through the journal's online system.
- Initial Quality Check
The editorial assistant performs a preliminary check to verify that the manuscript follows formatting guidelines.
- Assignment to Editor-in-Chief
The Editor-in-Chief is assigned to the manuscript to evaluate its alignment with the journal’s focus and determine if it should proceed to review.
- Editor-in-Chief Evaluation
The Editor-in-Chief reviews the manuscript for quality and relevance. If appropriate, the Editor assigns it to two independent peer reviewers. The journal follows a double-blind review policy, ensuring that neither the authors nor reviewers know each other’s identities.
- Peer Review
Reviewers are given four weeks to complete and submit their evaluations.
- Recommendation Based on Reviews
Once reviewer reports are received, the Editor reviews the feedback to make an informed recommendation on the manuscript’s next steps.
- Revisions (if necessary)
If revisions are suggested, authors are asked to address them before the manuscript moves forward.
- Post-Revision Evaluation
After the authors submit revisions, the Editor checks that the changes meet the requirements, and if satisfactory, the manuscript is accepted and moves on to copy-editing.
- Proofreading and Layout Editing
The manuscript goes through final proofreading and is prepared for layout editing.
- Final Approval
The final, formatted version is reviewed by both the authors and the Editor for approval.
- Production and Publication
Once the manuscript is approved by the authors and the Editor, the article is prepared for production and is published in the next issue.